A review by nic_w
Reborn: Myra by Michelle Fox


Reborn by Michelle Fox is part of the Blood Courtesan series of books.

Wow, this story had me hooked the whole time I was reading it.
It has enough action and intrigue to satisfy my adrenaline junkie and also enough Romance to satisfy that mushy side of me too. It was a really good read and I am actually looking forward to reading the other books in the series now.

Myras personality is one of a strong willed, stubborn but passionate woman who has an innocence and nativity about the vampire world, until she is tossed straight in the deep end and has to learn very quickly to stay afloat.

Kristos is everything you'd want in a vampire protector. Loyal, strong, determined and caring all rolled into one sexy package. I believe that Michelle got the very best out of these characters when they are together.

I loved the originality of the story set in the popular vampire genre and also the humour that Michelle writes with. If you not an action packed, paranormal romance with some humour, this book shouldn't be missed.