A review by booksbybindu
Death in the Aegean by M.A. Monnin, M.A. Monnin


Well this was a bundle of fun wasn't it! I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘Death in the Aegean’ and it brought back memories of being in Crete at the start of May. Also, I am going to force my mother-in-law to read this one - mainly so I can finally prove to her that there is a ferry between Crete and Santorini but also because I think she would love it too! ‘Death in the Aegean’ is a compelling read and it hooked me from the start. But then as a huge history nerd I loved learning more about Crete and the Aegean in general.

Stepfanie has just missed out on a well-deserved promotion and has come to Greece for a rest and to meet up with old friends. Instead of the sun, sea and sex that she was looking for she finds the theft of the Akrotiri Snake Goddess, the murder of a newlywed on the same trip as Stepfanie and a link to a crime her father was accused of decades ago. With all the evidence pointing towards her, Stepfanie decides that she needs to figure out who is behind it all before she is thrown in prison!

I loved Stepfanie! How could you not?! She has her head on straight, is intelligent, and comes across as one of those effortlessly elegant women! You can imagine sitting down with her and sharing a good bottle of wine. Plus, when she teams up with Thomas they create of one those great dynamic detective duos. I can't wait to read more about their adventures!

This is a book of the more sedate cosy crime genre, very Agatha Raisin in style and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was great, full of red herrings and misdirections! I managed to guess some things but not all and some of it was very surprising. Plus, it was soaked in that amazing Aegean sun and trust me that is something special indeed.