A review by marimoose
Last Act in Palmyra by Lindsey Davis


"The play's the thing" indeed. The entire last act more than made up for the tedious traveling across the Decapolis. Not that I minded too much over the traveling, it was definitely more entertaining with an acting troupe roaming the countryside. Plus, the scenery was refreshing and completely away from Rome (or Italy for that matter). And Falco a playwright!

As usual, I loved these books mostly because of the charming point of view that the narrator has. The fact that Falco also has a stalwart girlfriend says something at the very least. Not to mention all the juggling he's had to do the entire book!

But the best part has got to be the acting troupe and the random plays they'd performed along the way. Falco's very idea of The Spook Who Spoke already killed me somewhat, because it's supposed to be the fictional "prototype" of Hamlet. The fact that Lindsey Davis totally played around with the Shakespearean tragedy and turned it into a comedy only further added to the amusement. Gawds, it was definitely a fantastic end.