A review by melindamoor
The Austen Playbook by Lucy Parker


"Chin up, Darling. Nobody handles a PR crisis like a Slytherin."

"Let it be pointed out however, that while the Slytherins in the bunch had jacked up the price, it had been a Hufflepuff to spot the obvious opportunity."

Isn't that sweet?! AWWWW! :)

I highly appreciate it when books/authors don't take themselves too seriously, especially when it comes to the romance genre.

Considering the title I expected a comfortably entertaining, run-of-the-mill Jane Austen rip-off, but [b:The Austen Playbook|42279630|The Austen Playbook (London Celebrities, #4)|Lucy Parker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1550200262l/42279630._SY75_.jpg|63884092] proved to be such a nice surprise on all kinds of levels.

Of course there is undeniable homage and a definite wink to [a:Jane Austen|1265|Jane Austen|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1588941810p2/1265.jpg], but even if you removed it all, the story would still have stood on its own and would have still been great fun. (As it happens, I wanted get some more Austen-playbook stuff and was a bit disappointed that it did not happen.)

There is some resemblance of Darcy in Griff's character, but it's utterly funny how Freddy compares him to a Slytherin guy, claiming that he gives off Lucius/Draco Malfoy vibes.
Freddy, on the other hand, is more like a caring, generous and vulnerable version of a Lydia Bennet, if you want to put a sticker on her.

Anyway, on to all things I loved about this book

✔️ Both MCs are utterly likeable, relatable and genuine. They are far from perfect.
✔️ There is character development as they get to know and influence each other in the right direction.
✔️ They talk about problems and are honest with each other.
✔️ There are sex scenes, but they are still within my tolerance level AND as far as I remember, are the most realistic to date I have ever come across without being gross or OTT. And once again, the MCs voice their needs as they don't get everything right bang on the first time.
✔️ The writing & the story is sound. There is lots of humour and the banter and the secondary characters are also fun.
Well .. apart form the "villainess", Sadie, who was OTT, a total charicature and I didn't get why one of the other actresses, Maya, was so mightily afraid of her. (Maya's terror implied that she at least murdered somebody and Sadie knew about it. So when it turns out what her actual "sin" was, it was anticlimactic to say the least and the whole thing was overblown.)

There were also a bit too many climaxes crowded into the story towards the end, even though one of the side plots obviously leads to the next book in the series (which I intend to read, BTW), but all in all, it is a delightful read and much recommended.