A review by bookbae96
Break Me Down by Roni Loren


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Samantha Dunbar knows how good things could be with Gibson Andrews. Having had a taste of the perfection the two of them could reach makes it all the more difficult to act like nothing ever happened and to go on as friends. Gibson let his guard slip just once with Sam, but it was enough to send him running, to hide the feelings that he's done his best to cover. Because Sam brings out a side of him that he's not sure he'll ever be ready to face.

Roni Loren books are always must-reads for me. I have read and loved the books in her Loving On the Edge series, have come to know and love the characters and their stories. So, when I had the chance to grab BREAK ME DOWN, Sam and Gib's book, it was a no-brainer.

I love this story. Both Sam and Gib have pasts that would have broken lesser people, but they have each learned to deal with their demons and make successful lives. As members of The Ranch, an exclusive BDSM club, they have been able to gain control over the things that haunt them, to dominate their fears and overcome. Gib, though, is hiding a less masterful side, the one that longs to hand over control to Sam, to submit himself to her completely. But doing so would be the ultimate act of trust, and he's just not sure he's ready to do it.

Sam is a strong woman that knows what she wants and needs, and that is to have Gib's ultimate submission. She sees that side of him that he has kept tamped down, and wants nothing more than to help him overcome his resistance and free himself to be who he really is. She loves him enough, though, to let him make his own decision, even if it means that they live as friends instead of lovers.

Roni writes characters that resonate with readers, multi-layered and complex, yet still accessible. There is humor and compassion, even when dealing with sometimes uncomfortable situations, and seeing what characters from past books are doing makes the stories connect seamlessly, and feels like visiting old friends. (Note: Pike's appearance in this story was a definite high point for me, and made a potentially stressful interlude much more enjoyable.)

I have become very enamored of Roni and her books, her characters, and the way that she writes about alternative lifestyles in such a way as to make them approachable. I could not recommend her Loving On the Edge books any more highly, and easily give BREAK ME DOWN 5+ 'steamy, sexy, I've loved every minute of this book' stars.

***ARC graciously provided by the publisher for an honest review.***