A review by ccochard46
A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss


Originality - 3 stars
Readability - 4 stars
Relatability - 4 stars
Plot - 3 stars
Writing Style - 4 stars
Personal Impact - 3 stars

Overall - 3.5 stars

Overall, I felt that this was a very cute chick-lit read and didn't let me down, which is honestly surprising for a novel in this category for me! I'm usually not really into the tropes that normally find this genre, but this one did the enemies-to-lovers in such a way that still gave it charm and wasn't overdone. I felt like the language throughout was very light-hearted and not too cheesy, and often very witty. The characters were pretty lovable overall, except for a few exceptions, such as John's constant fits of rage over the smallest inconveniences and his back-and-forth feelings towards Annie, and don't even get me started on Max and all the toxicity he brought to the table.

As for the setting, I loved that it was in a cute little small town as if it was straight out of the Hallmark channel, but I also felt that the time span through me off. The front of the cover makes it look like this book was mostly going to be set during England's wintertime, but for the most part it touched on the end of summer, fall, and the beginning of winter. I was hoping for more of a winter/Christmas read than a multiple-seasons kind of story. It made the cover seem misleading and a little confusing.

The climax of the story threw me off both in a good way and in a not-so-good way. I understand the turn it ended up taking, and I enjoyed that it was able to catch me off guard, especially with this kind of storyline where for the most part you can predict what is going to happen next. However, it didn't really feel necessary to the story to me? I don't really understand what growth was given from it, other than a little bit of resolution between Annie and John, but that could have been done in a million other ways.

Overall, this was a cute and easy read that I was able to smash in a week, which I know is years for some but for me thats pretty quick! I definitely say it's worth giving a shot and it won't waste your time, it just might not change your life entirely, just give it a warm and fuzzy buzz afterwards.