A review by nonna7
Gone West by Carola Dunn


For me there's something very appealing about this light - some might even go so far as to call it frothy - series featuring Daisy Dalrymple, wife of DI Alec Fletcher, writer of travel articles and mother of twins as well as stepmother to Alec's daughter, Belinda, the daughter of his deceased first wife. The series takes place in 20's Britain, still in some pain as a result the loss of so many young men in WWI. Happily, Carola Dunn knows how to write otherwise this might have joined the list of books I've discarded before finishing. No, I enjoyed this one thoroughly. It's a lot of fun. Daisy has been approached by a old schoolmate who lost her husband during the war. She has a young daughter and works as a secretary to a writer whose genre is westerns. She asks Daisy to spend a few days "investigating" because she feels as if something is wrong, but she can't put her finger on it. Daisy, of course, can never resist a challenge. It's not long before the writer is murdered. Of course her husband is called in to investigate. This is one of the cozy series that I follow religiously. Now I'll have to wait until next year for a new one.....