A review by bookber
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley


This novel has so many themes that I really enjoyed, especially as a former Sociology student. The society created by Huxley is fully realised with distinct institutions and social rules that I found super interesting and thought-provoking. The idea that from the moment of conception a person could be deliberately nurtured or mistreated to fit into a certain class or career is a very scary concept that has parallels to current social hierarchies, so I liked to see this idea written so literally – almost as a metaphor. I also liked the idea that certain citizens were very aware of their own conditioning, but were either accepting or happy to see their lives so regulated and controlled because it meant they lived a privileged life.

I especially liked the characters who had spent time in the Savage Lands, and I loved seeing how their experiences had shaped their thoughts in very different ways. I really enjoyed a conversation towards the end of the book where the idea of a “perfect society” is explored, and the idea that extreme levels of control and manipulation could be justified ‘for the greater good’.

This is a very enjoyable read and I can see why it has been so influential on the speculative fiction genre. If you enjoy reading about re-imaginings of society then this will probably be a worthwhile read for you.