A review by writervid
Ink by Alice Broadway



A total cover read. Happy I read it, but not entirely sure if I'll continue with the series.

This was such a unique concept, and I loved how the themes of legacy and remembrance tied into this society. I also LOVED the worldbuilding; I thought it was unique how every aspect of society could be tied back to those myths and ideas from its foundation, and enjoyed how clearly it was done. I think the indoctrination of society was extremely well portrayed. This society feels extremely relevant when we look at our own, and felt almost Giver-esque.

However, I felt like a voyeur into Leora's story, not like I was inside her head. She isn't another teenager I might meet. Because of this, I felt extremely disconnected from the emotional high points of her arc, and also felt quite a bit like she didn't HAVE an arc. Similarly, not many of the characters made an impression on the page, and the built up romance felt like it was happening without any indication of feelings on Leora's side.

I enjoyed what I felt I was reading it for: the society and the cover. I wish the characters and the emotional heart of the story had been stronger, and maybe the next few books will change that, but as of right now, this stands as a solid read with a major flaw for me.