A review by labunnywtf
A Phoenix First Must Burn by Danielle Paige, Dhonielle Clayton, L.L. McKinney, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Ashley Woodfolk, Amerie, Rebecca Roanhorse, Somaiya Daud, Ibi Zoboi, J. Marcelle Corrie, Justina Ireland, Karen Strong, Danny Lore, Elizabeth Acevedo, Patrice Caldwell, Alaya Dawn Johnson


I have a love/hate relationship with anthologies. I love the idea of them, but more often than not, they disappoint me. Intensely. I find one or two diamonds in a vat of shit.

This was the exact opposite. Only one or two stories slowed me down to the point of making me put the book down for too long, or making my eyes skim too much. Even the layout of the stories was perfection. We start with a story set both in the future and the past, the end and the beginning of all stories. And from there, we move from the past to the present, then to the future. All with a brilliant magical twist that takes you everyone and nowhere.

Normally I would pick apart each story to explain my likes and dislikes, let me just, really briefly, talk about my favorites:

Gilded by Elizabeth Acevedo - This is vaguely set during the slave uprising in Santo Domingo in 1522 (as per the note at the end, I actually was thinking Haiti). This is not a story of pain, but of magic, and of one woman who had her freedom in hand, but instead used her gifts to save the only family she had. Brilliant. Would read an entire novelization of this short story.

The Rules of the Land by Alaya Dawn Johnson - This was SUCH a good story, but it desperately needed more than just a short story. The author crams a lot of goodness into so few pages, about a mermaid and a sailor who have a baby, and the sailor is obsessed with keeping his wife tied to him, to the detriment of their entire island. I really need more plot, but it's still a 4 star read.

Melie by Justina Ireland - MURDER UNICORNS. I repeat, MURDER. UNICORNS.

The Goddess Provides by L.L. Mckinney - The note I made for this simply says "RAGE KINK". sO GOOD.

Tender Headed by Danny Lore - The most contemporary of the lot, and the exact kind of magic I love. Teach the bullies a lesson, and the moral of the story wins in the end.

Kiss the Sun by Ibi Zoboi - 5 ENTHUSIASTIC STARS for this story. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's so fucking good. It's the only story that got me googling, because I suspected that soucouyants are a real mythical creature, and GODDAMN was I not disappointed. It uses mythology to discuss colorism, and it's UGH IT'S JUST SO FUCKING GOOD.

::cough:: Moving on.

All the Time in the World, by Charlotte Nicole Davis - I need a three part series for this fucking story. It's got the oops I have superpowers element I CRAVE in books, but BUT BUT BUT BUT FUCKING BUT the superpowers come about because of the water supply in their town, which has been completely destroyed by EVIL GOVERNMENT and everyone has to drink and bathe with bottled water, and houses can't be sold because of the destroyed water supply and DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR TO ANYONE?!


Witch's Skin, by Karen Strong - This was so good, but it's one of the few in here that desperately needed a full length book. The Boo Hag is a witch who sheds her skin and, erm, sexes the soul out of men. And our main character has had it. OFFICIALLY. So good, her plotting against the witch is so good, the reveal would've been amazing in a full length story. But here, it felt kind of rushed.

There was only one 1-star story in here, and I don't want to be tooooo mean in pointing it out. All I will say is, Mary Sue fanfic writer sees Mary Sue fanfic writer. ::pointed look::