A review by allison_reader
Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia


This was a very dissapointing book - but it is a teen novel so I guess I'm expecting too much. I think phenomenons like Harry Potter and Twilight were just written and then put in the Children's books section and most novels written for Children are just that and it's no use trying to find one that will fill any desire for another HP or Twilight. Anyway, This was one of those books where you know exactly what is going to be the ending from the very beginning yet it decides to prolong that inevitable ending by making it into a series. The whole middle is very boring, can't really understand why the authors would choose to first person the book from the should-be main character's boyfriend. It's telling when during the 4 pages that are actually from Lena's perspective, you can't tell the difference in the narrative voice, that they should have just gone that way from the git go. Anyway, not interested in ready the sequel, glad I borrowed it from the library!