A review by elturko64
The Black and the Blue: A Cop Reveals the Crimes, Racism, and Injustice in America's Law Enforcement by Matthew Horace, Ron Harris


A powerful and difficult book to read. The writing is very personal and accessible too most readers, while the content itself is difficult mainly because of the subject matter. Racism in law enforcement is sort of a no brainier. I was first aware of it as a kid due to the 'Rodney King' incident. However I didn't realize how widespread the racism was. There was even one moment in the book where the author Matthew Horace brings up an incident that happened in the area that I grew up in. The incident involved racial profiling, where the author asked his fellow officers what the suspect did. The
white fellow officers would key the radio microphone to make a clicking sound in a show of sarcastic disapproval at his question. This shook me to my core, as did most moments in this book. I don't think I'll read this again anytime soon, due to the emotional effect it had on me. But I think its a book that's worth reading and it's one of my favorite non fiction books in recent memory.