A review by evnlibrarian
The Dragon's Tooth by N.D. Wilson


The first in what looks to be a series of YA novels by ND Wilson. It's a fantasy novel involving two young people finding they have a hidden past in their family joining a group dedicated to exploring, discovering, and if need be and protecting the world from mythical and amazing creatures. There's an element of Harry Potter in America here, much like how 100 Cupboards had elements of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe but in Kansas with hot dogs and baseball, etc. But that sells it short. While fantastical items and creatures come into play, the people of the Order of Brendan rely on their skills with swords, guns, boating, plane flying, and learning foreign languages to fight evil forces that oppose them. I actually get a very strong "Indiana Jones" feel from the book. And very much in a good way.

Not much else to say other than great book. There's a heavy amount of violence, though kids stuff for the Hunger Games generation.