A review by trisha_thomas
Mayhem in Circulation by Leah Dobrinska, Leah Dobrinska


A cute cozy mystery and a quick read. We're back in the town of Larkspur. It doesn't take long before another body is found! It's on the heels of a festival and celebration for the town, and recognition from a big magazine the town's tourism could use.

I loved the characters in this one, just like the first one. Greta is feisty and fun and I like her POV. The budding romance with the new detective in town is just adorable and I loved their interactions. Cozy mysteries are so fun to just sit back and roll with the twists, so I didn't even try to solve this one and just rolled with each new suspect the MC focused in on. Even if the ending had some over-the-top moments, I loved it all the same. I think I'll read book 3, it's such a cute little group of librarians - I'd love to visit them again for another mystery!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.