A review by king_lyd
The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning


A great story where the Princess is the one who does the rescuing. Amarande is devastated by the sudden death of her father, the Warrior King. But no sooner is his body cold than the neighbouring Kingdoms are fighting for her hand. They kidnap her childhood friend and love Luca in order to force her to choose one of them.
But Ama is her father's daughter and she will make her own choices.
Chasing her enemies through the Torrent wilderness in a balldress and swords, fighting bandits and thieves, Ama is the Princess that will save you.
Amaranade is strong and yet not afraid to lean into her position as a woman,. She knows what happens to girls like her when unattended and she doesn't take unnecessary risks. I thought she was a great role model and I simply loved her stableboy's affection and belief in her.
The plot was steady and the characters were well fleshed out. You felt the tension and sympathised with the Princess and, oddly enough, with the Pirates.
There were a few points where things got a little cliched and it was nowhere near as funny or tongue in cheek as the actual Princess Bride (which it was supposed to be a gender-bend of) but I found it really enjoyable.