A review by story_singer_101
The Legend of Sam Miracle by N.D. Wilson


Rating: 4.5

Review: The Legend of Sam Miracle is a mix of Madeline L’Engle’s science fiction, a western, and N. D. Wilson’s own particular flavor of fantasy. As with Wilson’s other fiction, The Legend of Sam Miracle contains concepts that are sometimes difficult to comprehend, traces the development of good and true themes, isn’t anywhere near as predictable as most fantasy, and leaves the rich flavor of a well-written book in the reader’s mouth. I personally found The Legend of Sam Miracle to be a captivating book that holds on to what is good and honorable without shying away from the wickedness of the world. At the same time, I don’t remember any swear words, sexual content, or gore throughout the book’s many fast-paced action sequences or tense encounters. Unlike other action filled fiction I’ve read over the years, protagonist Sam Miracle undergoes real character development over the course of the story, from someone I enjoyed reading about but didn’t like all that much to a true hero I could root for and love. I highly recommend The Legend of Sam Miracle as a quality summer read.