A review by vpatrick12
I'd Give Anything by Marisa de los Santos


#IdGiveAnything #NetGalley
What if a tragedy occurred during your high school years? And secrets only you knew, tore your 4-some of besties apart? And 20 years later, you are forced to face all those secrets? Are you ready to reopen those wounds? Especially when your 15-year old daughter wants the truth, too?

I’d Give Anything is the first book I’ve read by Marisa de Los Santos, even though many of her books are on my to-be-read list. Her storytelling captured my attention and kept me pulled in. It moved along well, the characters were believable, and I really wanted to meet these guys on the street, in person. My heart broke for Gray and Ginny, both going through their own tragedies, one unbeknownst to the other. This story hits on the importance of truth - to your friends, to your family, and yourself. It’s about being brave enough to search for truth and knowing when you know a person well enough to understand unspoken truths. And it’s about the harmful effects of secrets. I’d Give Anything is one of the best books I’ve read so far this year.