A review by winterreader40
Cast in Eternity by Michelle Sagara


Kaylin is put on front desk duty while Severn is off doing work with the wolves when Mrs. Erickson comes in like she usually does and asks Kaylin "how well she really knows Severn and can she see how bright his belt glows?" not really how Kaylin thought her day was going to go, especially when Mrs. Erickson proceeds to tell her that ghosts friends were the ones to tell her something about him is wrong. As usual Kaylin follows a seemingly benign thread and yanks out a rats nest.
It's been a while since I truly enjoyed one of these books, I've been complaining that the series really needs to end for the last 3 books at least, but this brought the series home again and it felt more grounded than several of the previous books. It actually made me tear up in the end which I don't think any of these books ever have before, I'm really glad I didn't give up on this series now.