A review by theycallmegoose
The Lost Manuscript by Cathy Bonidan


This book was a quick read. I rented it from my local library on a whim, and it was a nice change from my normally dark history/mystery preferences.

However, I found the writing to be a tad pretentious and unrealistic… I can’t imagine meeting a ton of random strangers via letter correspondence and each one being capable of crafting beautifully poetic letters. The constant beautiful imagery and prose grew a bit stale 3/4 of the through the book. I found myself rushing to finish just to be done with it. But again, it wasn’t a bad book. It had a nice story and kept me interested to the end.

I did find it interesting that the author chose to say this was a “true story” with just names and locations changed, but if you read the publishing notes it states this was a work of fiction from the people and locations all the way to the actual story itself. Probably intentional to keep you wanting to read and think this was a rare beautiful love story in a world that can be not so beautiful sometimes.