A review by serenaerinreads
When Stars Collide by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


Read This Book If…you enjoy celebrity romances! 
When Stars Collide by Susan Elizabeth Phillips 
Genre: sports romance 
Series: Chicago Stars # 9 
Spice Level: 3/5🌶, 1-2 open door scenes 
Setting: Chicago and around USA 
POV: dual, 3rd person, past tense 
Tropes: celebrity, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, dating pact, roommates, road trip 
My Thoughts: Okay, this was my first time reading this author and it’s solely because this book was chosen for one of my book clubs. I’m sure there are better examples of her work, but this romance reads like it was written by someone whose first book came out before I was born (because it was). Neither of the leads felt like real people to me and the POV shifts felt both uneven and sudden. I normally enjoy a celebrity romance, but a football player and opera singer weren’t the most interesting choices. Opera is so hard to describe accurately on the page and I completely understand other reviewers for putting the book down to see what something actually sounded like. The mystery subplot woven throughout was fun, but the reveals felt more like “gotcha” moments instead of true plot twists and the suspense took priority over the romance at times. Overall, this read was just okay for me.