A review by barbrokatrin
The Art of Us by K.L. Hughes


I’m having trouble with the shift between past and present. I’m halfway into the paragraph and then I discover that I’m in the past and then in the next paragraph it’s back to the present. It’s a little confusing.
At first I couldn’t really connect to this story. I just didn’t feel it. Got a bit better as the book went on but not much. Still having trouble with this, partially cause of the way the book jumps between past and present.
There were moments I found myself smiling or tearing up but on a whole, I just felt that I couldn’t connect deeply to it. That I just read the surface of the book.

Was midway through before I discovered that this originally was a Clexa fic, wasn’t until I learned Alex’s last name that I put the pieces together. And then I spent the rest of the book asking myself how I didn’t see it before cause all the pieces where there, I just didn’t see it