A review by someonetookit
Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland


I think I liked this one but I'm not actually sure tbh. At the moment I'm treading that fine line between feeling like it was average and fantastic because it was a weird one.

Kamai starts out being introduced as a courtesans daughter, a profession most feel she will apprentice in. Unfortunately this isn't a preferred career choice as she is in fact ace and doesn't feel the desire to sleep with anyone regardless of how much they are willing to pay. Once her mother dies, she is swiftly removed from the town of her raising to live near the father she never met and the story truly begins to unfold.

If you have read the blurb, you know there is a sinister presence behind the black door. Enter Vehyn, the man in Kamai's head that is neither a physical nor spiritual entity. He is the personification of *redacted* and i feel like he's part of the reason I am undecided. In my head, I know he is supposed to be the villain. But he's also too cinnamon roll to effectively perform his role so he comes across as kinda meh with the occasional temper tantrum. I wanted sizzle or sinister and THIS HAVE ME NEITHER.

The plot is a relatively common one with plots to kill your friends, the monarch and anyone who gets in the way. It was neither bad not spectacular but it gave Kamai purpose so