A review by scotto
Deep Sky by Patrick Lee


In "Deep Sky," our hero Jack Bauer - excuse me, Travis Chase - and his allies in Fringe Division - excuse me, Tangent - face their most dangerous foes yet as they seek an answer to what's on the other side of The Breach, a mysterious hole into another dimension. President Harrison Ford - excuse me, Richard Garner - is [SPOILER OMITTED] and it's up to the thoroughly bland but incredibly murderous John McClane - excuse me, Travis Chase - to rescue ALL OF HUMANITY. I mean look, this series is at once both intricately plotted and lazily executed; the best ideas in the series happened in book one, the 2nd book was a total paperweight, and the saving grace of the conclusion here is that Lee totally commits to some creative insanity to wrap it all up. Timey wimey abuse of the heroes' timeline; Inception level abuse of the characters' memories; and Chase's willingness to slit absolutely anyone's throat ear to ear at any moment - it all adds up to ... well, it gets in the vicinity of adding up to something anyway, but it still gets 4 stars from me because of its commitment to Sparkle Motion. "Deep Sky" never lets up on its commitment to breathless weirdass sci-fi technothriller absurdity and for that, I gotta give props.