A review by odin45mp
Alliances by Timothy Zahn


This is a fun sequel to the new Thrawn novel from last year, titled simply Thrawn.

This delves into an incident back during the Clone Wars in which General Anakin Skywalker goes to the Outer Rim and near the Unknown region, and meets an alien operative, blue of skin and keen of mind.

It also deals with a new incident at and around the same planet, set in the present day of the early days of the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire, in which The Emperor sends Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader to seek out a disturbance he has felt in the Force. These two commanders do not get along well as they have very different views of command. The tension and friction continue both in the past and the present, giving us many good character moments that show to us, the reader, who exactly each of these characters are. We also get a good thread starring Padmé that I really enjoyed.

While I rather enjoyed Zahn's newest outing in a galaxy far, far away, I think I enjoyed his first Thrawn novel a bit more due to its tighter focus on Thrawn and Pryce. Still if you've read that and want more, this fits the bill.