A review by lalanier
The Night Stalker: The Disturbing Life and Chilling Crimes of Richard Ramirez by Philip Carlo


Kind of feels weird to say and rate this read as I "really liked" it, so I'm comfortable with "like."
I read it in hopes of maybe learning some more details, which I feel I kind of did and compared this to the Night Stalker series.

I still believe the nature of these kinds of books are very sensationalized, and wish that weren't so, but also often find myself looking into these kinds of murderers nonetheless. Not in the groupie kind of way, that shit is so fucked.... but the psychological/behavioural kind of way. And it says something that America has had so many, I mean have you seen the wikipedia?? In addition to mass shooters.

This also touched a bit close to home because I had family living in Southern California during the time of his crimes, but most importantly my mother and my older sister who was born in 1970s, and it put things in a slightly different perspective as I was reading it. I wasn't born until the mid 1980s and thus alive in California during his trial. Cue Twilight Zone theme song, though not really. Anyway this is more of a record for myself than an actual review. I will say that I think Carlo did a good job documenting all this though.