A review by plexbrarian
Black Science, Vol. 1: How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender


A group of unintentional explorers leap through a series of alternate realities in extremely dangerous situations and a damaged device transporting them around that may not be able to bring them home.

This is a gritty, more life-threateningly perilous and 99% less humorous graphic novel resembling the TV show "Sliders." Or a much darker, adult version of Neil Gaiman's Interworld. Or a read-alike for Peter Clines' The Fold. I held onto vol.1-3 of this series probably much longer than I should have and feel some guilt that I wasn't very fond of it. The art style isn't my typical favorite, and I really did not like any of the characters. The concept of alternate dimensions/realities/worlds has always intrigued me, but the characters are all too tortured and have too much to hide, the settings all too bleak.
Maybe people who fall more into the dark graphic novel interest categories (Sandman, Chew, Watchmen) will get more out of this than I did.