A review by theresidentbookworm
House of Dance by Beth Kephart


I'm very mixed up about House of Dance. I've been wavering between a three and four. There were things I liked about it and a few I loved, but not much I hated. I did think it was too short and felt very much like House on Mango Street (which I did love).


1. Rosie herself.

Insightful and witty, she has the ability to see the world through fresh eyes. The only good comparison to this narration style would be House on Mango Street. I actually think this is more effective.

2. The scenes between Rosie and her grandad.

They're funny, emotional, and so heartbreaking in a good way. There's closure and memories and stories that will go on because he is telling them to her.

3. Rosie and Nick.

Though I wish this romance had been more developed (you only really meet Nick once), it felt exciting and fresh like a long-awaited romance would.

4. The House of Dance characters

They just added another dimension to the story. This wasn't necessarily a book about dance, but the dance plays an important role, and what is dance without dancers?


1. Rosie's mom

I just never emphasized with her or understood her, not even at the end. She wasn't a good mother or daughter.

2. Length

This could've been fifty or so pages longer.

3. The tangents

In HOMST style, Rosie goes off on tangents about her life, her family, her friends, and her childhood. Sometimes this is helpful, but sometimes it drags the story along and hinders plot development.

4. The end

I never really understood why the whole town rallied for this party? Was it because Rosie's grandfather had lived there so long and knew everyone? This is never really elaborated on.

I guess I'll give it a four for now and tentatively recommend, especially for Mango Street fans.