A review by blodeuedd
All the Ways We Said Goodbye CD: A Novel of the Ritz Paris by Lauren Willig, Karen White, Beatriz Williams


This is a 3 part story, and I did feel that it either could have been longer or sorry one person should have been left out. I wanted more!

In 1914 there is noblewoman Aurelie, from an illustrious line, that keeps a locket with Jean of Arc's blood as a talisman. I did want more of her story. The German's take over her castle, she falls in love with one as she knew him before the war. Though she is just as much playing him for information. It was just over so fast!

I am not sure who narrated her parts, but I liked it.

In 1942 there is Daisy, who clearly married the wrong man. I wanted more of her rise to a resistance fighter. She was so cowed, and then she was a spy.
There is also a German officer around that was also around in 1914...

Again, I do not know who narrated her either, but whoever it was did a good job with this too,.

And then in the 60s Barb goes to find out what her husband did in France during the war. Her part was fine as brief, cos looking for the past is never as interesting as being in the past. She was a good interlude. But oh Barb, I had a hard time with her. Her husband, on to be, got a letter while recuperating and she never showed it to him! So not cool. But then he could just have gone back too...

Again, whoever narrated did well.

I did like the story as a whole, they are all connected, and it is obvious how. Not one aha moment, but maybe it was meant to be like that.

And yes the earlier stories could have been longer and more fleshed out, but the thing is if they had been then the book would have been too heavy.

I did like that there were 3 distinct narrators too so that every woman got to shine in her own light.