A review by mom2three
Renegade by Myra Danvers


This is a complete rewrite of a story that was released under the name of M. D. Pentacles, but even if you have read those, I suggest reading the new releases. The story has been expanded and some of the details have been changed, but Renegade is still the fierce amazing character that I fell in love with in the original.

This is an Omegaverse story, with all the delicious darkness that readers expect, but not everyone loves the elements that this encompasses so please do your research before diving into this. The plots aren't exactly happy, the females aren't treated in the best way, the men are total Alphas and they are in complete control. If, after you have researched what Omegaverse is all about, you decide that you want to plunge yourself into this decadence then this is a great jumping point. Myra Danvers delivers a fantastical world that is rich in detail and completely original. Unlike most Omegaverse books, where the characters are mostly human in appearance, the characters in this one are not. They are more like animals and have feline characteristics and tails. That helps you escape into the fantasy of the world and makes accepting the cruelty easier. One of my favorite things about this complete rewrite is all the character development that wasn't in the first one. I loved Renegade as the complete bad-a** in the original, but I felt like I could guess at what she was going to do before she did it since I understood where she was coming from.

Basically, everything I loved about the first version was there and the added details just reinforced my opinion about this being one of my favorite Omegaverse stories.