A review by l1ghtsnack
Spell Bound by F.T. Lukens


What I enjoy about all of Lukens' books, this one included, is how seamlessly they bring you into their fantasy worlds. Sci-Fi and fantasy are genres I really enjoy, but like a lot of people I often struggle to get started do to the sometimes overwhelming world-building and info-dumping needed to set the stage. Lukens never has that problem, throwing you straight into the story and giving you pieces of information as you need them. This makes you easily able to delve into the story without having to worry about keeping up.

This story is very warm and cotton-candy sweet. The stakes don't feel high, and I would never say I was at the edge of my seat or unable to put the book down. But, that can be a very good thing. Sometimes you want to relax and just be happily entertained by an easy, happy story, and that's what this is.

The four main characters are all lovely and engaging. You are rooting for Rook and Sun from the start, and instantly like both of them. The main conflict doesn't start until you are halfway through the book, so this isn't the book to read when you are wanting a heavily plot driven page turner. But this is the book to curl up with on a rainy day to make you feel warm and happy and peaceful.