A review by trinielf
Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne


Ok this was a good start to Cam and Nic's series. I was pretty excited to read their book after reading and really enjoying the AIW series.

There's a lot going on in this one and i'll admit at times i was a bit lost/confused. I liked Cam and Nic together and whoo boy my fave part was definitely when Nic saw Cam in his undercover transformation (the thirst was real) BUT I felt that I wanted more of a build up for Nic and Cam??? I don't know I just felt like it was really sidelined to the action, which yes it's romantic suspense but I'm greedy ok? I just wanted more tension i think between the two! I felt like it was there in small doses but i didnt get that juicy tension that i wanted. which is obviously a me problem lol

Cam and Nic both have secrets in their past. Which was pretty intriguing, especially since we definitely didn't learn all of Nic's secrets. WHO TF IS GS???!! But those secrets are what will obviously have me hooked to read book 2 so I will be continuing with the series.

And i am braced for Cam looking into all this stuff with Nic's dad to come back and bite them in the ass (flashes back to things in the AIW series, side eyes author do not hurt my boys!! lol)

So i'll be here waiting for the next installment.