A review by ponch22
Proof: A Play by David Auburn


Reread this because a local theatre is producing it in a few months. Haven't read it since college (where I did a report on it and a bunch of other math plays/movies) but always knew it was one of my favorites.

After a quick read today, I realize I should have been more on the lookout for this production a decade ago. At 34, I maybe could play Hal, but it would have been a lot easier ten years ago.

The play is written so damn well (I guess those Pulitzer people know what they're doing) and it's great for any small theatre. One set, four characters, not a lot of crazy props or anything...

Act I introduces us to Robert & Catherine, a father and daughter who live together due to Robert's health problems. He was a brilliant mathematician who has been battling with madness; she was an upcoming math student at Northwestern who gave up her studies and friendships to take care of him. The scenes bounce back and forth between the days around his funeral and two different nights 4 and 3.5 years ago; 4 years ago, during one of his more lucid periods & 3.5 years ago where it's possible he was completely gone.

The aforementioned Hal is one of Robert's ex-students. After Robert's death, he feels compelled to read through the hundred+ notebooks Robert had filled in the previous years. Catherine is convinced there won't be anything in them, but Hal knows how much of a genius Robert was and can't risk missing something.

Claire rounds out the cast of four as Catherine's sister from NYC who comes home for the funeral. There are some great scenes between the two sisters where they fight like only (slightly) estranged sisters can fight. She's slightly out of her element around these other math wizards, but she also has some real life experience the others lack (some revolving around haircare).

The play has a lot of secrets & the way information is doled out is brilliant. I don't want to spoil too much but I totally forgot about the two flashback scenes in Act II—the way the connect to things in Act I (both directly and indirectly) are brilliant. I don't know how much of a math genius [a:David Auburn|87028|David Auburn|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1193508900p2/87028.jpg] is but he is definitely a playwright genius.

I forgot how badly I wanted to play Hal until I reread this play. He's the romantic lead but he also plays drums in a band made up of "math geeks" (one of there songs is called i (Imaginary Number) and consists of them standing around in silence for three minutes!). There's nothing too mathematical in the script (some fun number facts here and there and one outdated reference to the largest known prime) but there's still enough math-speak to make this math geek happy. It's a shame I missed my chance to play Hal—I guess I can always try to play Robert in ~15 years. He definitely would be a greater challenge, what with his differing levels of senility...