A review by nattynatchan
Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan


Dylan is an amazing prose writer, and this autobiography (or more like a series of musings and vignettes) is as poetic as any of his musical works. his portrayal of the suffocating pressure of societal labels is profoundly tender and heartfelt; his claim to be "never any more than what I was - a folk musician who gazed into the gray mist with tear-blinded eyes and made up songs that floated in a luminous haze" just hits at something so intimately universal.

his stream-of-consciousness depictions of American landscapes also hit home even though I've never been to any of them. my favourite is of New Orleans:

"The ghosts race towards the light, you can almost hear the heavy breathing spirits, all determined to get somewhere. New Orleans, unlike a lot of those places you go back to and that don't have the magic anymore, still has got it. Night can swallow you up, yet none of it touches you. Around any corner, there's a promise of something daring and ideal and things are just getting going. There's something obscenely joyful behind every door, either that or somebody crying with their head in their hands. A lazy rhythm looms in the dreamy air and the atmosphere pulsates with bygone duels, past-life romance, comrades requesting comrades to aid them in some way. You can't see it, but you know it's here. Somebody is always sinking. Everyone seems to be from some very old Southern families. Either that or a foreigner. I like the way it is.

There are a lot of places I like, but I like New Orleans better. There's a thousand different angles at any moment. At any time you could run into a ritual honoring some vaguely known queen. Bluebloods, titled persons like crazy drunks, lean weakly against the walls and drag themselves through the gutter. Even they seem to have insights you might want to listen to. No action seems inappropriate here. The city is one very long poem. Gardens full of pansies, pink petunias, opiates. Flower-bedecked shrines, white myrtles, bougainvillea and purple oleander stimulate your senses, make you feel cool and clear inside."

if you love a loose, Kerouacian beat (hehe) in your writing, or Americana written in beautiful prose, then this autobiography is for you :D one of my best reads this year by far!