A review by dhw_ani
The Kitty Party Murder by Kiran Manral



The Kitty Party Murder by Kiran Manral is the kind of murder mystery that will tickle you with its writing. Inspite of the main genre being serious, you will literally fly through the book.

Kay aka Kanan Mehra, the protagonist is a mother to a smart and naughty six year old and a wife. In her appartment building, she hears sharp cries of a woman but nobody else seems to have heard them. Then there’s the suspicious couple in flat No. 504. The woman in Flat No. 504 is found dead a few days later and Kay is the only one who witnessed her minutes before her death. On top of that, her detective friend Runa, needs Kay’s help to infilter a Kitty Party Group to help aid a suicide investigation. Kay, wanting to utilise her time, decides to work upon both the investigations. Are these investigations connected? Whose screams were the ones she heard while on the stairs? Read the book to find out.

The best part about the book is it’s writing style. I’ve never chuckled while reading a book as much as I did while reading this one. The writing style is witty and absorbing; every chapter is going to leave you wanting for more and more. The author (Kiran Manral) has a gift for making even the smallest of things or incidents entertaining. She does it by merging two things : details and humour. The way the protagonist addresses her husband and son reminds me a bit of Twinkle Khanna’s writing. With language a tad bit modern, the chapters are of a moderate length and have interesting titles. The narration is in first person throughout and is very enjoyable. The characters have been very well developed and are the ones we all may have known at some point. The mystery part of the book was a little predictable but I’m willing to overlook it solely because of the way the entire mystery was built up.

With an interesting title and an equally beautiful cover, The Kitty Party Murder is recommended to those who want a light murder mystery served upon their reading platter.