A review by crookedtreehouse
Uncanny X-Force Vol. 1: Let It Bleed by Sam Humphries


For me to give an X-book four or five stars it must either be a strong starting point, a well-earned finale, or something shockingly good amidst the sea of mediocrity that the X-books often float upon. While I think this is a solid B+/B X-book for superfans, it wold be an absolute disaster for new readers, and not a great choice for people with surface knowledge of X-characters.

This book features Psylocke, whose history involves being a British psychic doctor with butterfly iconography, a ninja assassin with a Psychic Knife, a Mojoworld character who had her eyes removed and replaced with cameras, she's died, come back, her ninja body has battled her doctor body, died from the Legacy virus, then her other body died in a terrible X-book, she's come back without reason or understanding, she's been the Shadow King (I think), she's had The Crimson Dawn (you know the ...you don't ... yea, me neither), I think she died again, she was an assassin in the previous volume of Uncanny X-Force, she was in Brian Wood's X-Men book but didn't do any memorable things, and now she's ... ooof, this is a lot, right?

There's also Fantomex who used to be three brains in one, but now each one has their own body, and they're all in love with Psylocke.

Storm is ... in the book, but I think it's just so that there's one major recognizable X-character in the book.

Spiral, who is the one who cut Psylocke's eyes out back in the day, is one of the villains, and then not a villain.

Puck from Alpha Flight is back from Hell (did you know he was in Hell? me neither) and is definitely in this book for reasons.

Bishop is back from the future, and he's possessed by ... The Demon Bear ? from the 80s New Mutant books, as a lead in to the book's Big Bad who is The Owl Queen (who is totally a familiar villain, but shhhhh ... no spoilers).

The book is kind of a mess, but it was a fun mess.

I reccomend it only for die-hard X-fans who lurve Bishop, Psylocke, Fantomex, The Demon Bear (there's gotta be someone, right?) or Spiral. I'm pretty sure Wolverine is the only one who stans for Puck.