A review by rellimreads
Jack of Hearts by Sandra Owens


This one took a little bit to really get going, but once it did - I enjoyed it. It's a nice mix of romance, suspense, and action. It's heavier on the romance/relationship aspect - but still enough FBI undercover investigation to keep things moving.

I like Alex & Madison. We get to really know them individually and as a couple. (though, this may have been what contributed to what felt like a slow start.) Madison's roommate, Lauren, and Alex's brothers, Court & Nate, as well as other FBI agents are introduced. Enough to contribute to the plot as well as be intrigued about their role in future books. While this book had it's own story arc and romance plot focused on Alex & Mad, this is also kicking off a series arc (big reveal in the epilogue!) that I'm looking forward to.

This is 3rd person, but there's a lot of 1st person dialogue. The perspective changes between Alex & Madison - unfortunately, it's not always clearly defined and it tripped me up a few times. This was compounded by the fact that a few times the wrong narrator was speaking during the opposite POV. (ie. York speaking when it was obviously Madison's perspective/thoughts.)

I didn’t find these issues in subsequent books and overall its a good series.

Dual narration. I'm a huge fan of both Amy McFadden & Sebastian York. McFadden did a great job here with all the various voices, perspectives, and emotions. I struggled a little with York's narration in this one. There wasn't a lot of differentiating between male speaking voices. Alex & Nate sounded exactly alike, as did Rand (though he didn't speak much). There was also an action scene where he didn't sound any more excited than he did in regular conversation.