A review by robinlovesreading
Knit One, Die Two by Peggy Ehrhart


Pamela Paterson's knitting group is growing, and has just gladly accepted a new member, Caralee Lorimer. As an amateur actress, Caralee has a new role, and knitting is sure to help her prepare. Caralee intimates that there are issues going on in the play, and she is not shy about saying that she will be all too happy to name names.

Now it seems that someone was more than proficient in staging what just might be called a perfect murder. In typical fashion, Pamela, Bettina and friends will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of things.

In this delightful group of knitters, there is one, Roland, who tickled me. He was supposed to be knitting in order to teach himself how to relax. However, on one of his projects he had counted the number of stitches per day, per his goal, in order to present a gift to his wife, by a specific date. A way to relax? Well, I am not so sure. It was passages like this that made this story so much fun. Then, the six adorable kittens at least have to be mentioned in this review.

As always for this series, knitting tips are shared, as well as wonderful recipes. This story, like the others, is full of exceptional characters and I look forward to reading much more.

The first book in this enjoyable series is Murder, She Knit, to be followed by Died in the Wool. The next in the series are Silent Knit, Deadly Knit, scheduled for release in October, and A Fatal Yarn, with a release date in March, 2020.

Many thanks to Kensington and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion.