A review by deepbutdazzlingdarkness
Revisiting Summer Nights by Ashley Bartlett


This was GREAT. I love exes to lovers, I love Hollywood stories, and them being lesbians was the cherry on top. The part where they’re filming the sex scene and are both turned on…that’s the good shit. I loved that PJ and Wylie were both firmly in their 30s and seeing them come together again after what happened in the past was great.

The whole Sean situation was frustrating and infuriating, but in a realistic way. When it became clear that he’d be showing up on page, I was dreading having to read scenes of him creeping on people, but I really liked the way the characters dealt with it and that they were extremely proactive about minimizing any damage. Bless Diego and his 23-point plan! The whole old vs generation aspect of what they decided to do was really interesting and it was satisfying to see him get somewhat of a comeuppance, at least from the people who matter.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review.