A review by beckymmoe
The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle


It wasn't quite what I expected, but I really liked this one!

Ms Hammerle's writing style was a lot of fun to read--there were quite a few LOL moments, and I read more than a few of them out loud to Mini Moe #2 (whether she wanted me to or not--and she at least smiled at almost all of them, a good sign). Each chapter started with a tweet, which was entertaining, and Kiki's total nerdom was endearing. Who can't identify with someone who totally geeks out over a favorite tv show and celebrity?

It just about broke my heart that she was so determined to get the opera singing scholarship when she was sooo not suited for the profession, though. I guess I can understand why she was so focused on it, but man, did it take her forever to figure out what she really should be doing! Trying to figure out the rest of your life is hard for anyone, but to try to do it when you're a teen (as our culture expects you to do)? Crazy. I'm glad I'm not back there anymore. But I digress...

I really identified with Kiki's on-again-off-again-what do we have here anyway? relationship with Jack. I was in that relationship myself, when I was just a few years older. Unfortunately (well, probably fortunately, actually) mine didn't have the same ending (or is it? I'm really hoping that this isn't the last we see of Kiki and Jack!)

Come to think of it, if you take away the whole singing/songwriting/music theory genius aspect of Kiki's life, we could have been separated at birth. Hmmm. Probably has a lot to do with my enjoyment of the book.

I'm definitely looking forward to more from this author, even if she doesn't give us more Kiki.

Though I really hope she does. :)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.