A review by lwadz
Amarah by L.L. MacRae, L.L. McNeil


Another fantastic entry in the World of Linaria series!

I really loved this book and the fact that we got to spend a lot more time with the characters individually. Compared to the first two this book is a bit of a beast, almost twice as long, so the pace really picks up and we get to learn a lot more about the rich history and legends of Linaria. With so much back story and context, the narrative doesn't feel clunky and the reader is very subtly drip fed information, clues and forboding through off hand character comments and conversations. At no point do any of the conversations seem to be there just as a plot device or education for the reader.

The contrast between Isa and Sapora is beautifully explored and Isa quickly emerged as one of my favourite characters. Without spoiling the ending, I'm super hyped to see where book #4 takes her and her companions next.

I really loved that we got to see more of the different kinds of magic in Linaria, and were introduced to some new antagonists. I'm really intrigued to see how everything will fit together and play out in the next book.

I was worried that with so many characters in different locations the narrative may jump around a lot and leave you skim reading through certain characters chapters (a trap that many fantasy authors seem to fall into). However every time a chapter ended, although I was disappointed to have to leave their story behind, I was quickly sucked back into the next character and then didn't want to leave them behind. By the time I finished reading the book I was just disappointed there wasn't more!

I can't wait for book #4