A review by jugglingpup
Just Ash by Sol Santana


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I got an ARC of this book.

I really wanted to love this book. I got so excited to see an intersex character. Then when I learned that it was an ownvoices novel I was beyond excited. That is pretty much all I can really say that I liked about the book.

I never got into it. It was just so slow and disjointed. I had to forced myself to read and even then it was only a page or two at a time. I didn’t like a single character, I didn’t like the attempts at romance, I didn’t like that sexual assault was played off (how are they still friends?). I don’t like pretty much anything I read.

There was some basic plot, but it was constant interrupted about the Salem Witch Trials. If your setting takes away from the story, don’t use it. If this were a story that felt like it was telling the connected or complementary stories, then it would have been cool. Instead it really came off as the location taking over the plot over and over again.

I am sad that I didn’t like it, but it really wasn’t for me. We need more books with intersex characters and more openly intersex authors getting the spotlight.