A review by lindswift
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith


“But there's no such thing as a completely fresh start. Everything new arrives on the heels of something old, and every beginning comes at the cost of an ending.”

I just found my new favorite romance/love book. It was the first time that I read a book from Jennifer E. Smith and I'd heard some positive and nice things about her since "This Is What Happy Looks Like" or "The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight" but when I first saw the cover of "The Geography Of You and Me" I was like "Dude, I HAVE to read it.".

So I did.
And, holy shit, I just fell in love with that book.

I was looking for a good love story for this summer -sounds silly but yeah, read really cute love story in summer is totally my thing- and after have been totally disappointed with "Falling Into You" or "The Last Summer (Of You And Me)" I really hoped that "The Geography of You and Me" would be as good as I've expected. And it did. It finally did.

This well-written novel tells the story of two teenagers : Lucy and Owen, finding each other no matter where they are, no matter their differences, no matter what they've been through. Despite the distance, despite everything. They'll find each other. A lovely story about distance relationship when you both are across the globe.

I finished "The Geography of You and Me" with a smile on my face. That kind of smile you do when you finish a great and lovely and brilliant and outstanding book.

“And the geography of the thing- the geography of them- was completely and hopelessly wrong.”

I enjoyed every single word and read all over again some parts, not because I did not understand them but just because they were so beautifully written. I think that I loved the book mostly thanks to the "travel" part : from Edinburgh to San Francisco, from London to Seattle... It was magical, I guess.

I could talk about "The Geography of You and Me" for hours, trust me, but I will end here and just say that this book will probably stay in my heart for a very long time.

“There was no point in waiting for someone who hadn't asked, and there was no point in wishing for something that would never happen.”