A review by dublinsue
On Being 40 by Lindsey Mead


This was well written with some occasional interesting insights. I enjoyed some of the essays individually (in particular Same Life Higher Rent by Meghan Daum which was witty and self effacing, and Soul Mates: A Timeline in Clothing by Catherine Newman which was really moving with a different and interesting approach). Some I found a little preachy and others I really didn't warm to at all.

My main gripe with the book was the narrowness of the perspective overall - while purporting to represent "all walks of life" it was hard to avoid the common theme of university educated, middle class privileged feminist. Given that I fall into that bracket and am also a recently turned 40 working mother I expected that this collection would speak to me a little more than it did. Maybe a wider range of perspectives might have made it a bit more engaging and reduced the whiff of "First World Problems" that came from many of the essays.