A review by unladylike
Lords of Midgard by Rafa Garres, Jason Aaron, Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman


This trade contains some of the best Thor comics I've ever read, both in terms of stunning art and well-scripted storylines. The highlights are as follows:
First, a 2-issue story told by Loki about his and Thor's role in the rise and fall of the Strongest Viking There Was. Apparently Loki has the ability to
Spoiler imbue Midgardians with some very Incredible Hulk-like powers?!!

The middle of the book is back in the present day troubles, where we get to see some of the Big Corporate Baddies battle each other. If you've read any Thor books in recent years, you know Big Oil & Gas has been one of the main villains. Matt Fraction's work has continued to make these fantasy stories more relevant to present-day realities, as Roxxon Corps. uses its power to exploit the resources of every realm it can access.
Also in the mid-section, Jane Foster and Roz, Agent of SHIELD - both of whom were previously lovers of the Odinson Thor - get to interact and build on their relationship in lovely ways, while some obnoxious, invasive, and incompetent SHIELD agents try hard to establish that Thor IS Jane Foster. This story thread brings us to one of the most interesting developments in modern-day Thor comics: Mjolnir is a living character capable of much more than just flying around magically, hitting things, or invoking lighting.

The final tale in this volume is one possible origin story of Mjolnir. It's becoming clearer that even the current Thor, who has vastly improved the range of tactics for her fighting by unleashing her hammer in a way that more closely resembles the whistle-commanded arrow used by Yondu in The Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Mjolnir had previously been a blunt, primitive melee weapon in the hands of the Odinson Thor, but is now a lightning fast ballerina with unbreakable strength and a mind of its own. In order to throw the SHIELD agents off from Thor's true identity,
Spoiler Mjolnir shape-shifts into an illusion of Jane Foster while in the same room as Thor!!!
If the legendary mallet is capable of that, what other mysteries has it been holding?!?

In the context of allllll the comics I've read, [b:The Mighty Thor, Volume 2: Lords of Midgard|29507104|The Mighty Thor, Volume 2 Lords of Midgard|Jason Aaron|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480658633s/29507104.jpg|49796428] more accurately warrants a 3.5-4-star rating. But within the volumes of Asgard/Thor/Loki properties, I think it stands out high enough to get 4.5/5 stars.