A review by j_ess_reads
Daphne by Will Boast


I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

DAPHNE tries to say a lot, but seems to trip over itself as it shuffles towards its conclusion. Living is hard, and is especially so for anyone who literally "cannot even" with their emotions. (Admittedly a bit tongue-in-cheek here, but Cataplexy is actually pretty scary.)

In a way, nothing really happens. At the same time, it's about the two steps forward, one step back dance we all do to just figure out how to get by in a world that has no time for us to figure our stuff out. This means we either take risks or shut ourselves off from people. (Spoiler: As expected, neither option works out very well for the characters in DAPHNE.)

Boast offers a few moments of clarity and potential in this story, though not enough to make the lackluster journey worth it.