A review by girlglitch
Little Bandaged Days by Kyra Wilder


Maybe it's a side-effect of reading this book in lockdown, but I found Little Bandaged Days intensely claustrophobic. The depiction of isolation, of slowly recessing deeper into the shadows of your own mind, felt so real, I found it almost hard to read, as if I might be swept along with it.

Wilder has a wonderful way with words: it's the kind of prose you could spend hours unpicking. The plot is pretty predictable - you know from the start how it's going to end - but in many ways this inevitability only makes the denouement more poignant.

Compelling and oppressive, Little Bandaged Days is a smart exploration of the self-destructive selflessness of motherhood.

*Thank you to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review*