A review by chapita4
This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub


“grief was something that moved in and stayed. Maybe it moved from one side of the room to the other, farther away from the window, but it was always there.” This book speaks beautifully of death, father/daughter relationships and the process of letting go. (and time travel) There is a moment where the author describes the process of slowly losing her father and describes the body as a complex rube goldberg machine as her father was dying in the hospital. I've never heard it described that way and spoke to my experience with the loss of my dad perfectly. The time travel gives Alice time to change her perspective to say things that went unsaid and to prepare to say goodbye. Along the way she has the opportunity to shape her relationships and "try on" different futures. I loved the characters, I loved the cat, I loved her friendships, and I loved the ending. I'm far enough away from my own fathers death to be able to appreciate this book and the journey through time. So much accurately reflects the feeling of being an adult who is losing a much loved parent and wanting "one more good day".