A review by amothersmusings1
All The Places I've Ever Lived by David Gaffney


I wasn't sure what I was going to be reading when I picked up "All The Places I've Ever Lived" written by David Gaffney as it covers so many different genres.....paranormal/murder mystery/time travelling/coming of age. However, I was totally engrossed in this the minute I started reading it and would have easily read it in one sitting had time allowed. The author has a fantastic way of engaging the reader with this intriguing storyline and his descriptive style of writing. It was great remembering things from the 1970's (my youth) - so many I'd forgotten like the crinkly orange wrapping that was on Lucozade bottles! - and David Gaffney in my opinion captured this era brilliantly with music, fashion etc and even the heat wave we had. The story is set in two timelines since this book does have a time travelling element to it; the 1970's and 2010, both connected by a girl called Philomena May, with the modern day story involving the tragic recent real-life shootings in Whitehaven.
I received this book through my purchase of the year long Urbane Book Club and I am very glad that I did as it is a cracking read that I highly recommend!
There's also a fantastic playlist to accompany the book too - https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM_HFYIih1jf2VRVEefyiyNNV5thHtSt4 - which is well worth listening to either during the book or after, I did!
A brilliant 5 stars for this dark, bizarre but very refreshing read.