A review by jeanz
Call of the Sea by Rebecca Hart


BLURB from Goodreads
Elysandra Winters has always yearned for a life of adventure on the rolling seas and is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill her dream. When her Privateer father continually refuses to allow his only daughter to sail, Ellie defies him, disguises herself as a boy, and goes in search of a captain who will give her a chance to prove her worth.

Thanks to the cursed selkie blood coursing through his veins, Daniel O'Rourke needs the sea to survive. After giving up on his humanity and spending three years in seal form, he decides to give his human side another chance. Daniel goes in search of a job and a sense of normalcy, earning himself a position aboard Captain Winter’s ship, The Siren's Call. However, his new captain’s first assignment has nothing at all to do with sailing, and everything to do with his headstrong young daughter.

Years later, when the leader of a band of bloodthirsty pirates murders Captain Winters, Daniel and Elysandra’s lives come crashing back together with the force of a hurricane. Both experts in deception, they must find a way to trust each other if they are to have any hope of hunting down the captain’s killer.

Firstly I have to say I like the cover it really does fit the book. The female on the front cover is Elysandra dressed in her "going to sea" gear. Theres a ship in the background that could be either The Sirens Call or The Surf Runner.
Now the book....I loved it. to be totally honest I was unsure if I would really like it as it features pirates, but I loved it. The main character is Elysandra, a strong female lead character who takes no hassle form anyone including pirates! I thought the"love" plot was nicely done and not rushed, you felt the build up to relationship. I on't know how to explain it, other than to say you feel very included in this book as if you are there watching the story unfold before your own eyes. You feel Elysandra's desperation to go to see, but you also feel her parents worry! Elysandra is probably what some would call a tomboy, I prefer to say a woman with a mind of her own. When her father is killed Elysandra is determined to have her revenge with or without help from anyone else.
I also enjoyed the selkie part of the tale especially nearer the end when Daniel is in his "seql form" trying to rescue Elysandra. I won't say anymore you will know what I mean when you read the book.
**WARNING* The book does have a sexual scene within it so is not suitable for younger readers **
Having said the above warning don't let those of you old enough from reading this book as the scene is within the context of the plot and not overly erotic (I don't read erotica!)
The book kind of deals with the idea of prejudice, as in what people think about Selkies. Nelson and Captain winters and his wife know they exist and can interact with them, bit Daniels own father called him an abomination and threw him out of his home at the first opportunity after his mother died.
Will there be more books in this series? Well the loose ends are sort of tied up in a way it could be left, however I am sure Daniel and Elysandra could have lots more adventures at sea and on land.
So did I enjoy the book? Loved it. Would I read more by Rebecca Hart/ in a Call Of The Sea series? Yes & Yes! Do I recommend this book? Yes but due to sexual content to older teens and adults only.

Expected Publication 21st of June 2012, so put it on your to-buy lists now!