A review by izcanbeguscott
The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods by A. G. Sertillanges


A great guide to provide inspiration and guidance to those who wish to engage in intellectual activity on a deeper level.

Sertillanges was a French Dominican priest, which may rub some the wrong way for the overt religiosity present within this work. Some of his pleas to solve the world or the soul's great dillemas through god or prayer fall flat for me because those don't really satisfy me. However, he was also a person deeply committed to his studies and seems more of a liberation theologist than someone who thinks religion has all the answers.

As such, this book has some truly great recommendations and ruminations on how to study, think and write in a true and meaningful fashion. I have found that even piecemeal introductions of some of his wisdom into my life has been meaningful and helpful for me. I especially loved the discussion on what meaningful work brings to someone's life, and how finding true passion and following it where it goes is beautiful. I'm not some trad-con "work is meaning" weirdo, but it is always good to be reminded of the nobility of work well done that satisfies your soul.

If you are at all interested in what being an intellectual means and some utilizable tips and tricks, this is a great read especially for less than 300 pages.